After spending years reading various literature, studying philosophy and psychology, consulting several mentors and experiencing the ruthlessness of business I can tell you, first hand, that almost every single person has what it takes to accomplish great successes. Yet very few do. The reason is that only a small percentage of people are willing to take responsibility for their actions and step up when its time to do so instead of hiding behind their "perceived" short comings and failures.
Image & Video Credit: Özgür Çagdas
My 26 year old sister still uses her flip phone which she got years ago. She doesn't need the fancy Internet and a touch screen, just wants to be able to call or text when she needs something. I'd say she is awesome for that.
It feels like the oxygen is never enough, like you took 100 cups of coffee, like you were homeless, like you are falling with no ending, like the veins of your wrists are bleeding, like you are dying. It really hurts, I wish we never experiment it, but I also know pain is also necessary to create beautiful writings and beautiful paintings.
Image & Video Credit: Özgür Çagdas